Who is Dr. V?

Dr. Veronikis is a highly qualified and specially trained vaginal surgeon whose expertise is truly remarkable. He underwent exceptional additional training with world-renowned Dr. David Nichols at Harvard, author of the acclaimed book “Vaginal Surgery”, considered the gold standard in vaginal reconstruction. His rigorous training continued for three years at Harvard, where he honed his unique skills, making him a vaginal reconstruction and mesh removal surgeon without equal anywhere in the world.

Dr. Veronikis is much more than a urogynecologist. He is a vaginal surgeon with basic training in general surgery and obstetrics/gynecology, as well as three years’ in-depth training in vaginal reconstruction surgery and urogynecology. His expertise in surgical gynecology of the female pelvis is unique and differs from the training of a urologist. Dr. Veronikis is double board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and in urogynecology and pelvic reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Veronikis has dedicated her professional life to the EXCLUSIVE care of women, devoting herself to resolving pelvic floor problems that arise after childbirth and complications associated with surgical procedures specifically designed for women. His absolute commitment is to women, all the time. His passion and expertise make him a pioneer in the field of vaginal surgery and a dedicated advocate of women’s health.

Dr V and Cynthia in surgery
Random snapshots of Dr. V

Why Choose Dr. Veronikis?

Dr. Veronikis is recognized as the world’s most experienced vaginal mesh removal surgeon. His impressive career began in 1994, under the tutelage of Dr. Nichols, with a meteoric expansion in 1998 when polypropylene mesh kits of all kinds were introduced. Dr. Veronikis has always been the last resort for women facing mesh-related complications, particularly when prolapse and incontinence surgery have failed.

With almost 30 years’ experience, Dr. Veronikis has the best track record for complete and secure removal of all types of mesh kits. What’s more, he excels in mesh-free repairs, using methods he perfected during his Harvard training under the tutelage of Dr. Nichols, which he has improved and innovated over the years.

This exceptional surgeon has developed unique instruments for vaginal surgery, which he uses for both mesh removal and vaginal reconstructive surgery. He has removed almost 5,000 mesh implants and performed over 14,000 vaginal reconstructive surgeries, testifying to his unrivaled commitment and expertise.

Academic and professional background:

  • Since 1997: Mercy Hospital – St. Louis.
  • 1994-1997: Fellowship in pelvic reconstructive surgery and urogynecology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 1994-1991: Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident, Baystate Medical Center, Western Campus of Tufts University School of Medicine, Springfield Massachusetts.
  • 1991-1990: Internship in general surgery, Morristown Memorial Hospital, affiliated with Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Morristown, New Jersey.

Dr. Veronikis is the epitome of excellence, and every woman deserves to benefit from her exceptional expertise and dedication.

What Does Dr. V Do?

Types and categories of meshes it can remove:

Retropubic type “TVT”, TVT, Advantage, Align, Supris, Uretex, Lynx, Sparc, Retroarc, Desara, etc.
Transobturator, TOT, “TVT-O” like TVT-O, Aris, Obtryx, Align, Monarc, i-STOP, Swift TOT, Uretex, T-Sling, Serasis, Desara, etc.
Single incision with anchors, Altis, Solyx, Miniarc, Ajust, TFS, TVT Secur, etc.

Anterior and Posterior Vaginal Prolapse Mesh Kits:

Anterior prolapse kits with Arms, Prolift, Avaulta, Elevate, Uphold, Pinnacle, Perigee, Exair, Prosima, etc.
Posterior Prolapse Mesh Kits with Arms Prolift, Avaulta, Elevate, Uphold, Pinnacle, Apogee, Exair, Prosima, etc.
Mesh in the abdomen for prolapse:

Sacrocolpopexy/promontofixation: Gynemesh, Restorelle, Surgimesh. Prolene, Sacromesh, Alyte, Ultrapro, Intepro, Vertessa, Parietex, Procur, Ventralight, etc.
Rectopexy: Gynemesh, Restorelle, Surgimesh. Prolene, Sacromesh, Alyte, Ultrapro, Intepro, Vertessa, Parietex, Procur, Ventralight, etc.
Hysteropexy: Gynemesh, Restorelle, Surgimesh. Prolene, Sacromesh, Alyte, Ultrapro, Intepro, Vertessa, Parietex, Procur, Ventralight, etc.
Combination hysteropexy sacrocolpopexy/promontofixation and Rectopexy.
Combination of any of the above products:

Sacrocolpopexy with TOT, Rectopexy with TOT and anterior mesh kit.

Not defined :

Mesh used for prolapse and incontinence not coming from a kit but from a sheet of mesh cut and configured by the surgeon.

Dr. Veronikis excels at repairing conditions such as stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and pelvic organ prolapse (POP) without resorting to the use of mesh.

Stress incontinence (SUI) relief: Loss of urine during activities such as laughing, coughing, sneezing, running, lifting weights, playing with children, or engaging in sporting activities such as tennis or trampoline. Incontinence is often associated with prolapse.

Dr. Veronikis also specializes in the treatment of non-mesh pelvic organ prolapse (POP), which includes:

Prolapse of the uterus (uterovaginal prolapse).
Prolapse of the vaginal walls (cystocele and rectocele).
Apical vaginal prolapse after hysterectomy (post-hysterectomy vaginal prolapse), including enterocele, cystocele and rectocele.
These conditions are often associated with weakening of the perineum and problems with urinary incontinence.

Prolapse can sometimes mask incontinence by creating a fold that prevents loss of urine when emptying the bladder and during exercise. Uterovaginal prolapse is characterized by the loss of support of the uterus from its normal elevated position in the vaginal canal, as well as prolapse of the walls of the vagina and vaginal walls (cystocele and rectocele), accompanied by perineal weakness.

As for post-hysterectomy prolapse, it manifests itself by the loss of support of the apex of the vaginal canal (after a hysterectomy), leading to prolapse of the vaginal walls (cystocele, rectocele, enterocele) and perineal weakness.

In addition to his skills in pelvic repair, Dr. Veronikis also practices cosmetic surgery, offering procedures such as labiaplasty, vaginoplasty and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). Her commitment to improving patients’ quality of life extends to restoring self-confidence and personal satisfaction.

Her skills in cosmetic surgery allow women to feel better about themselves, in addition to solving medical problems.

Surgery with Dr. V.

As you can imagine, surgery with Dr. V. requires patients outside of America, to journey to St. Louis, Missouri.  For many women, the journey itself can be troublesome. To support those women who are desparate for resolve in their medical care, L’Experience Amesheé was created, providing a surgical companion to women who are willing to make the journey, and become part of a sisterhood of survivors.